Are you a Doctor, Respiratory Professional, Dentist, or HME / DME Provider interested in the Bongo Rx?

Bongo Rx was designed for patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA):
- Newly diagnosed without significant co-morbidities to use as a first line sleep apnea therapy option.
- Unable to get a CPAP, do not qualify for CPAP, or cannot afford CPAP because of high deductibles, or high co-payments.
- No longer using their CPAP and looking for a user-friendly alternative.
- Using their CPAP, but need a device to use while traveling, camping, or any time electricity may not be available.
Do any of these apply to you?
- Want to offer your patients an easy to use, less intimidating sleep apnea therapy treatment?
- Have non-compliant or non-adhering patients that stopped using their CPAP, stopped their visits, or stopped ordering resupply?
- Have patients that won’t even fill their CPAP prescription because they refuse to use CPAP?
- Reimbursement cuts on sleep devices and sleep services affecting your business or practice?
- Interested in growing your retail medical device business?
If you answered “YES” to any of the above, then the Bongo Rx could be a great “rescue” device to allow you to continue to provide care and treatment to your sleep apnea patients.
Talk to your sleep patients today about treatment for sleep apnea with the Bongo Rx, a nasal EPAP device:
- CPAP Alternative that was reviewed and cleared by the FDA for treating mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
- Clinically tested to demonstrate safety and effectiveness
- All Sizes Starter Kit for easy, at home, contactless setup
- Replenishment packs available for ongoing resupply
- Soft nasal seals also create nasal dilation
- Reusable, Small, and Simple
- Designed and Made in the USA
How Do I Get or Prescribe the Bongo Rx Sleep Apnea Device To My Patients?
Bongo Rx Website
There is extensive information about the Bongo Rx, including FAQs and product videos.
Bongo Rx Brochure
Download and review our latest brochure.
Prescription Form
See a sample prescription form for Bongo Rx.
Contact Us Now
Contact us for more information or to set up an account.