About AirAvant Medical

AirAvant Medical

AirAvant Medical is a research-oriented, privately held company based in the U.S. that focuses on developing and marketing innovative respiratory medical devices to treat obstructive sleep apnea and other breathing disorders. AirAvant has launched the Bongo® Rx, a groundbreaking EPAP device that is FDA-cleared to treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

Holding numerous patents with several patents pending, AirAvant Medical continues to innovate revolutionary respiratory technologies for the sleep-disorder breathing market, which includes Obstructive Sleep Apnea, snoring, and COPD applications.

  • History

    AirAvant Medical was founded by Bruce Sher, Shara Hernandez, Javier Collazo, and Ron Richard. The company’s founders were former executives at InnoMed Technologies, Inc., where they had developed and launched a highly acclaimed line of respiratory and sleep devices, including the Nasal-Aire, the Hybrid, and the Aloha CPAP interfaces. In 2019, AirAvant Medical introduced its flagship product – the Bongo Rx.

    Bongo Rx representatives talk to patrons at a trade show
  • Mission Statement

    AirAvant Medical’s mission is to improve health and welfare by creating user-centered, non-surgical medical devices that treat respiratory disorders while minimizing impact to the patient’s lifestyle.

    Bongo Rx representative showing the Bongo Rx product
  • The Future

    With the Bongo Rx, AirAvant Medical aims to transform the sleep apnea market by meeting the need for a more discreet and less encumbering solution than other therapies commonly prescribed today.

    Our company will continue developing cutting-edge respiratory medical devices to meet the demand for user-friendly design and effective treatment in the sleep-disorder breathing market. AirAvant Medical is committed to delivering innovative products, high product quality, and excellent customer service.

    The Bongo Rx research and development team chat

Meet The Founders

  • Shara Hernandez

    Co-Founder | Co-President

  • Bruce Sher

    Co-Founder | Co-President

    Bruce Sher
  • Javier Collazo

    Co-Founder | Vice-President | General Manager

    Javier Collazo
  • Ron Richard


    Ron Richard

Meet The Medical Technology Advisory Committee

  • Jerrold Kram, MD, FAASM

    Medical Director at California Center for Sleep Disorders Alameda, CA

  • Alan Lankford, PhD, FAASM

    Sleep Medicine Clinician/Scientist, Director of Research at The Neurological Center of North Georgia and Chief Science Officer at SleepSafe Drivers
    Gainesville, GA

  • Rafael Pelayo, MD, FAASM

    Clinical Professor, Sleep Medicine Division at Stanford University School of Medicine and 2020 President-elect at California Sleep Society
    Stanford, CA

  • Lynn M. Schmidt, PhD, RN, CNE

    Dean, Nursing & Kinesiology at Anderson University
    Anderson, IN

Why Bongo Rx Was Developed

If you suffer with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, Bongo Rx may be right for you!

Get Bongo Rx Now